Thursday, September 12, 2002

I like coffee. Really good coffee. Coffee that would make me broke if I bought it every day. So I treat myself once a week, once every-other week or so on my way to work.

This morning I am thinking about the creamy goodness that I always get, jonesing. It's a perfect pre-fall day, the kids were fairly calm this morning and we weren't late. But I have no cash, no way am I writing a check for coffee, and I really should do something more productive with that almost-five-dollars, rather than 'waste' it on treating myself (read: a few days before payday!)

Then I remember: the last time I stopped, got my coffee and my card punched, the trendy chick said "the next one's on us" when handing back my change-turned-tip and card.
Cool. I can stop and get my coffee free today.

I pull up and say "I would like a free cinnamon mocha grande, please" and hand her my fully-punched card. What could be sweeter?

Bonus when I get to work: it's bisquits and gravy day for breakfast. My trick is to skip the gravy and put peanut butter and blackberry jam on instead.
Life is good.


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